I’ve resolved to make life more interesting in. So far, so good. For years, my dad and I have been talking about planning a trip, specifically to spend time together while taking photographs. My dad was quite the shutterbug when I was growing up, and he’s the one who taught me to shoot film when I was a teenager. We decided to finally take our trip, and head to Texas. Neither of us had been to Austin, and only I had been to San Antonio, but just briefly. I also have a wonderful cousin who lives out that way, and I’ll probably post some of those family pics a bit later. So, dad and I wandered around the two towns for a few days, cameras in hand. I wanted to push myself out of my photo comfort zone, which is capturing images of people. What I learned is that “comfort zone” implies something safe and restrictive, and I don’t think that applies to what my eye is drawn to. I don’t photograph people because it’s easy, I do so because it’s what moves and motivates me. I found that even when I take a picture of a building, it’s because something about it feels human to me. So instead of forcing myself into uncharted territory, I actually ended up feeling an even deeper connection to what was already there. Either way, I’m grateful for the experience, and have a new love for both places.